2023 Harvest 3

Howdy folks and welcome to week 3 of your Tumbleweed Farm CSA share. We hope you enjoyed last week’s haul and have more room in your refrigerator for this week’s harvest!

We’re absolutely thrilled to have the first spring carrots of the season available. These babies were grown in the greenhouse which gave them a head start. The outdoor carrots are looking good and we’ll be able to get into those in about 3-4 weeks.

We hope you find some inspiration from this week’s recipe suggestions.

Happy cooking and eating everyone!

Your farmers,

Taylor, Andrea & our awesome crew

Harvest 3

  1. Collard Greens

  2. Radishes (remove the greens and store them separately from the roots to keep the roots crisp)

  3. Carrots (remove the greens to preserve the roots)

  4. Head lettuce

  5. Lettuce Mix

  6. Spinach

  7. Baby Bok Choy

Recipe Suggestions

Garlic Scape Farro Risotto with Collard Greens & Sausage (you can use the green garlic from last week if you’ve still got it!)