2023 Harvest 19

Howdy folks and welcome to week 19! This week you all get one of our favorite winter squash varieties— Blue Hubbard. This squash is absolutely delicious. It’s sweet and nutty and makes the best addition to pies, baked goods, soups, stews and stirred into oatmeal. It honestly has the best flavor of all the winter squash varieties we grow. The best way to cut this squash is to actually drop it on the ground and let it break into usable chunks. It works like a charm!

We hope you all enjoy the harvest this week!

Harvest 19

  1. Beets

  2. Lettuce Mix

  3. Fennel

  4. Onions

  5. Blue Hubbard Squash (drop it on the ground to break it into manageable pieces to work with!)

  6. Russet Potatoes

  7. Spinach

  8. Broccoli OR Cauliflower

  9. Collard Greens

Recipe Suggestions