2018 Harvest 17

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Howdy folks and welcome to week 17. Man, this cool breezy weather is sure feeling nice. We’re loving these shorter days that have us starting off the mornings bundled up in layers, shedding by mid afternoon, and then layering back up for evening chores. It really is the most comfortable time of the year to be a farmer.

This week we’re happy to introduce you all to our first harvest of husk cherries. These little guys are the closest thing to tropical fruit we can grow around here. They’re sweet, crunchy and perfect eaten straight up or added to grain salads with feta cheese, walnuts and a light vinaigrette. So good!

Anyhow, we hope you all enjoy this weeks harvest. A little taste of summer with some fall treats in there too! The sugar pumpkins are pretty darn delicious this year!!

Happy eating!

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 17

  1. Collards

  2. Baby Boy Choy X 2

  3. Fennel

  4. Carrots

  5. Cherry Tomatoes

  6. Full Size Tomatoes X 2

  7. Husk Cherries

  8. Garlic

  9. Onion

  10. Bell Peppers X 2

  11. Hot Peppers X 2 for each variety

  12. Sugar Pumpkins

Recipe Suggestions

Chipotle Pumpkin Soup (the recipe calls for butternut squash but pumpkin works too!)

Chipotle Pumpkin Soup (the recipe calls for butternut squash but pumpkin works too!)

2018 Harvest 16

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Howdy folks and welcome to week 16. It's hard to believe that we've made it to September but damn, it's feeling pretty darn good to get over the August hump. The smoke has cleared, the air is cooler, and the dark mornings are actually quite nice. We're sipping our coffee for just a bit longer these days before heading out for chores. It's wonderful!

This coming week we'll start the long (and heavy) task of harvesting the winter squash. It's ready to be picked and it looks really good this year. The sweet potatoes won't be far behind, but we're a little worried about the yield this season because they got nipped by a late season frost and I don't think they ever fully recovered. Fingers crossed though!

We hope you all are having a good start to your week and we look forward to seeing a lot of you at either Kickstand or Migration. 

Cheers to the late summer harvest!

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 16

  1. Mizuna
  2. Kale
  3. Scallions
  4. Bell Peppers
  5. Hot Peppers (green chilies, poblano, jalapeño, Hungarian hot wax)
  6. Eggplant
  7. Turnips
  8. Cherry Tomatoes
  9. Fully Size Tomatoes
  10. Zucchini
  11. Garlic

2018 Harvest week 15

CSA Harvest 15.jpg

Howdy folks and welcome to week 15. Before we get to the contents of your box we just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came out to the Rock the Harvest party this past Saturday. It was one heck of a party and we we're stoked to have so many of you there celebrating there season with us.

This week we're happy to have clear air, cooler temps and an abundant harvest list. We're slowing things down with seeding and transplanting and have already tilled in sections of the field and have begun to cover crop. All of the potatoes and onions are out of the field and starting next week we'll begin our winter squash harvest. Not to worry though--those will cure for a while before we start putting them in your boxes. It's still summer for another month and the boxes will reflect that!

We hope you all enjoying the shorter days and comfortable weather. Thanks again for being rock star CSA members. We're so thankful for you all!

Cheers to the harvest!

Your farmers,
A & T


Harvest 15

  1. Head Lettuce
  2. Scallions
  3. Basil
  4. Carrots
  5. Melon or Watermelon
  6. Bell Peppers 
  7. Hot Peppers--Yellow ones are Hungarian Hot Wax--Small green are Jalapeños, Medium Dark green are Poblanos and Light Green skinny ones are green chilies 
  8. Zucchini
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Tomatoes 
  11. Eggplant
  12. Cherry Tomatoes and/or Shishito Peppers (they're not hot and they taste wonderful on the grill)
  13. Garlic

Recipe Suggestions